108 Fraught Fishing 3 (Switch)

Follow the corridor to the left

Walk down to the engine room

Talk to Mr Rector
(must have solved Case 08)

108 Fraught Fishing 3 (Switch)

Step by Step Solution

Throw the blue bait into the middle of the third column

Throw the purple bait into the bottom of the fourth column

Throw the purple bait into the top of the fifth column

Throw the red bait into the middle of the sixth column

Throw the red bait into the top of the first column

All the fish are caught


4220 Picarats and 260 Hint Coins (3DS)
4220 Picarats and 265 Hint Coins (Mobile)

107 Rock Paper Scissors Tower 2

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo 3DS

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